Thursdays, 9:30-11am
Wetherden Toddlers is a baby and toddler group run by Sarah and Lauren, members of Wetherden Baptist Church. It is open to mums, dads, grandparents and carers with pre-school aged children.
We meet every Thursday morning during school term time. We ask for a donation of £1 per family group per week to cover costs.
The general pattern for most weeks is free play and a craft for the first half an hour. We vary the craft activities each week but it usually includes painting, colouring, sticking or cooking. Then we have a Bible story and a song or two.
Then, it’s snack time and the children sit together at the table and have a light snack and a drink. The adults can enjoy a cuppa and biscuit and have a chat.
We then have free play again until we tidy the toys away into the cupboard, which the children enjoy helping with.
Lastly we finish with some singing.
Our weekly meetings are held in our church hall at Wetherden Baptist Church, which is only a short drive from the nearby villages of Elmswell, Haughley and Woolpit.
For more information, find us on facebook.