Sunday School


Sunday School is called ‘JAM’, which stands for Jesus and Me.  JAM meets from part way through our regular morning service and is for children of nursery and primary school age. They meet every Sunday, except during main school holidays or when we have an all-age service. In each meeting, the children have songs, prayer-time and age-appropriate teaching from the Bible.
(During main school holidays when JAM isn’t running, we supply an activity pack for children to use in the main service instead)

If you would like to bring your child(ren), please join us at our morning service at 10:45am. The children take part in the first part of the service along with the rest of the church. Then, the worship service leader will announce when the children can go to their groups and the teachers will show the way. Parents/carers stay in the main service and collect the children when the service ends.

The Sunday School is held in the church hall (adjoining the rear of the chapel via a corridor). The children start with singing together and then split into different groups according to their age. In their groups, they will be taught lessons from the Bible, usually using Go-Teach material. Children stay in Sunday School until parents collect them at the main service.

If this is their first visit, we ask that you complete a registration form for your children before the service starts, or you can take them out to Sunday School and register them then.

Babies and toddlers are welcome to stay in the service. Or, there is a quiet area near the front door where parents can be with their children and still hear and see the service. We are sometimes able to offer a member of our crèche team to look after your child in that location.

Children who are 12 and older stay in the service.

Our New to church page gives more information for what to expect in a church service.


Here are some children from Sunday School giving the harvest donation to Rainbow Ward, West Suffolk Hospital: